
SRV431 DIV1 250

There is a laser cannon at coordinates (0, 0) on the cartesian plane. There are also several targets on the plane. Each target is a vertical line segment, and the endpoints of the i-th target are at coordinates (x[i], y1[i]) and (x[i], y2[…

SRM431 DIV2 1000

A list of non-negative numbers is called satisfactory if the sum of the numbers in the list is equal to S and the product of the numbers is equal to P. Find a satisfactory list with the least possible number of elements, and return its siz…

SRM431 DIV2 250

A positive integer is called a mega cool number if its digits form an arithmetic progression. An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers in which the difference between any two consecutive numbers is the same. Return the number of …

SRM431 DIV2 500

問題 You are given a vector X containing the x-coordinates of several points. Each point starts at an infinitely high y-coordinate. Starting with the first point, each point falls down until it is either a distance of R away from a previou…


自分のレベルが低いのに、改めて気付かされました。 プログラマーを名乗るのが恥ずかしい。 まずは英語を勉強しないと。。。